

Welcome to pg电子官网状态 Community College – veterans, national guard/reservists, and dependents/survivors are eligible for VA education 好处. 我们很荣幸 教育和服务你. We are a militaryfriendly college and understand that you and your family have unique needs and responsibilities.


网上申请入学 Complete WSCC VA Statement of Understanding and Responsibility


There are many options to help Veteran, military personnel, or veteran dependents 支付大学学费. 应用 for your education 好处 and submit your Certificate of Eligibility by email or to the 退伍军人事务部 office in the financial aid office.


退伍军人准备和就业(CH 31 VR)&E):


ANGEAP奖学金: The 2023-2024 ANGEAP application is now available and can be found on ACHE’s website 并在下面提供链接: http://www.ache.edu/wp-content/Grants/ANGEAP-Appl-2023-2024.pdf

ANGEAP Applications must be completed each semester. 学生必须有电流 FAFSA存档. Deadline for submission for spring 2024 and summer 2024:
2024年春季- 2024年2月2日

My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship for Military Spouse

阿拉巴马州的克.I. 家属奖学金

Students receiving VA education 好处 must provide the VA Certifying Official with a list of registered classes each semester for continuation of monthly benefit payments.

退伍军人 and National Guard/Reservists must verify their enrollment on the last day of each month through WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment) website http://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do 或致电877-823-2378.

Students using their Post-9/11 GI 比尔® 好处 will be required to verify their 每月月底登记. Failure to verify for two consecutive months will impact their Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA)和/或回扣.

The 退伍军人事务部 (VA) is encouraging students to sign up for text 消息验证. This will provide students a simple and convenient verification option and ensure they receive MHA and/or kicker payments uninterrupted.

All impacted students with a US mobile phone number on file will receive an opt-in text as their next enrollment period appro疼痛s. 注:学生没有 US mobile phone number on file with VA will not be able to use text verification. They will be automatically enrolled into email verification.

Military Training – Joint Service Transcript (for 退伍军人 only)

All Veteran students are required to send their official Joint Services Transcript 到招生办公室. Click here to order Official Military Transcripts: http://jst.doded.mil/official.html

  1. Credit for courses taken while in the military will be evaluated according to nationally 公认的指导方针.g. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Services Support (DANTES) and/or American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines.
  2. The student is responsible for having the scores sent to the Office of 招生.
  3. Credit for courses with acceptable scores will be posted to the student's transcript.

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state 学杂费收费标准:

  • A Veteran using education assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. 比尔 – Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. 《pg电子官网》第38条 Code, who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post- 9/11 GI 法案福利(38 U.S.C. §3319)居住在 Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of active-duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three-year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using education 好处 under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United 国家代码.
  • Anyone using 好处 under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311 (b)(9)) who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).
  • 任何使用911后转移的G.I. 法案福利(38 U.S.C. §3319) in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is 现役军人.
  • The policy shall be read to be amended as necessary to be compliant with the requirements 38u.S.C. §3679经修正.

Complaint Policy for Students Receiving VA Education Benefits

Any complaint against the school should be routed through the VA GI 比尔 Feedback 系统通过以下链接: http://www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/Feedback.asp. The VA will then follow up through the appropriate channels to investigate the complaint 并圆满解决.

Note: GI 比尔® is a registered trademark of the U.S. 退伍军人事务部 (VA). Visit Education and Training for more information about education 好处 offered 退伍军人管理局.

